Floods Directive reporting resourcesSupport files for the Floods Directive reporting |
All enquiries shall be directed to floods.helpdesk@eionet.europa.eu
The document log below provides a registry of the Floods HelpDesk activity in order to kep informed to MS on the questions arised and the responses provided by DG ENV. The document was last updated on December 23rd 2015.
The document log below documents the outcome of the test phase period that ran from 7 April to 30 June. The document was last updated Last updated 13.08.2014
The style sheets can be downloaded and used with desktop XML applications, e.g. XMLSpy. Additionally, the desktop validation tool will convert XML using the style sheets, and XML can be transformed online in CDR. After uploading a file to an envelope, click on the file and then View it as 'HTML factsheet'.
HTML documentation for all the schemas
Submission of schemas is made through the ReportNet Common Data Repsoitory. Guidance on uploading to ReportNet can be found in Chapter 6 of the user manual (Document nr. 2)