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Designation types

This page contains reference material and links for the reporting of the national designated types for the Designation types registry.

The national designation types information is reported using a webform. The webform is accessed via your country folder on CDR. There is no specific reporting deadline.

The list of designation type codes is used as a reference vocabulary for three data flows: nationally designated areas (NatDA/CDDA), Natura 2000 and Emerald. For the reporting of those datasets, it is important that the national designation types are up-to-date in the registry.

An online dashboard with the most recent designation types information is available here. In addition, the designation type information is included in a separate table in the NatDA/CDDA dataset.

CDDA reporters have permission to access the webform. Reportes are appointed by the National Focal Points and permissions assigned by the Eionet helpdesk. Please contact your National Focal Point if you should be nominated CDDA reporter.

If you need help, the NatDA/CDDA helpdesk will support the Designation types reporting CDDA Helpdesk

Dataflow specific instructions

The Designation type code (designationTypeCode) is a unique identifier

Mapping between the previous and the new format (2018)

The webform was prefilled in 2018 following the mapping table below. If you did not yet revised your designation types you may need to consult the table.

The prefilling was in most cases one-to-one with the data structure introduced in 2018. However, the Designation period begin field was prefilled with a dummy value "2018". When you revise the designation types, please update to the correct the year when the designation type was created. Normally, it will be the same year as the Legal reference publication date field that we could not populate automatically.

You will find the mapping and more information about the prefilling in the table

  • National designation types mapping table v1
  • The last version of the national designation types prior to the format change in 2018 was published in the CDDA v15 in 2017 in the Designations table.

  • CDDAv15 Designations table
  • History of the designation types