
Account Services

I have

Access to XML - E-PRTR and LCP integrated data reporting conversion tool

About the tool

Version of the tool: Version 0.2

Code of the FME process

The process that runs behind this website is also available for reuse. For that to be possible, the software Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) is necessary.

Access template

For those countries that wish to, the EEA will enable a conversion service. Countries will be provided with a Microsoft Access database 'template' which, once populated, will be converted into an XML file complaint with the GML Schema. (This is supported by so-called FME-processes).

Conversion tool

The following tool converts a populated Access file to XML format. The output XML file has to then be uploaded to the relevant CDR envelope.

Form for the conversion:

E-mail address:



EEA Reportnet works best with Google Chrome (recommended) or Mozilla Firefox.

The use of Internet Explorer is not recommended.