Central Data Repository
This service is part of Reportnet
WISE - Spatial Data (WISE-5)
Dataflow specific instructions
Important information
Follow the generic instructions in the WISE Spatial Data reporting resources page.
The instructions are identical to those applicable to the WFD reporting.
The WISE GIS Guidance contains examples for both WFD and WISE-5.
The presentations made in the 2021-06 WEBINARS are also in WISE Spatial Data reporting resources page.
The WISE-5 data flow includes the EIONET spatial reference datasets relevant for the Water Information System for Europe.
Only Data Providers that do not report under WFD must report their reference spatial data under WISE-5.
This includes: Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.
Data Providers that report under WFD do not report under WISE-5.
Please note that:
- If there are no changes, no reporting is necessary. Report only once (not annually).
- Partial deliveries are not possible. Each delivery must contain the complete national spatial datasets.
- The WFD spatial objects are never reported under WISE-5.
Data Providers that report under WFD do not report under WISE-5.
- Some datasets are only applicable to WFD.
The following datasets are never reported under WISE-5: ProtectedArea, ProtectedAreaLine, ProtectedAreaPoint, SurfaceWaterBodyCentreline, GroundWaterBodyHorizon.
- Pre-filled shapefiles are available directly in CDR, when an envelope is created (the files should of course be edited and updated before delivering the new information).
- Reporting permissions are managed by the EIONET National Focal Points.
Please contact your National Focal Point if you require reporting permissions over CDR.