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WISE SoE - Emissions (WISE-1) WISE

The WISE 1 dataflow covers data on emissions from point and diffuse sources to inland surface, transitional and coastal waters and riverine input loads to transitional and coastal waters.

The following material is intended for national reporters of WISE-1 data.
It describes how to use Reportnet during the reporting process and how to improve the quality of deliveries.

Dataflow specific instructions

Changes from the 2023 data call

Four chemical substances have been added to the Observed Properties reference list. Their codes are accepted in the "observedPropertyDeterminandCode" field in both the "Emissions" and the "RiverineInputLoads" tables of the reporting template.

The additional substances and associated units of measures are:
- CAS_27619-97-2 "Perfluorohexylethylsulfonic acid" (kg/a)
- CAS_120068-37-3 "Fipronil" (kg/a)
- CAS_68694-11-1 "Triflumizole" (kg/a)
- CAS_76674-21-0 "Flutriafol" (kg/a)

No further changes from the previous data call.

WISE dataflows

If you need support please contact WISE SoE Helpdesk