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E-PRTR and LCP Integrated Data Reporting

This page provides information which supports the dataflow on E-PRTR and LCP Integrated Data Reporting.

This includes relevant guidance documents and tools as well as copies of relevant notifications. It will be maintained as necessary with all of the latest documents, templates, etc.

This data flow is also associated with the EU Registry on Industrial Sites which provides for reporting of administrative data on entities, while the E-PRTR and LCP Integrated Data reporting dataflow allows for reporting of thematic data (e.g. pollutant release to air and water) for these entities.

Recent activity

Webinar on production volume reporting

The material presented during the webinar held on 17 April 2024 are listed below

Reporting of Production Volume under CID (EU) 2022/142 from reporting year 2023

On 31 January 2022, the European Commission adopted CID (EU) 2022/142 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1741 as regards the reporting on production volume and correcting that Implementing Decision.

This means that reporting of Production Volume is going to be mandatory since reporting year 2023 (i.e. data reported by 30th November 2024). EEA has prepared the materials to allow the Countries to improve their reporting system to timely comply with the new reporting requirements. Once adopted, the new IED will have a definition of livestock units (LSU) conversion factors that differs from CID 2022/142. Please see our new version of the manual for reporters for details. With the new IED adopted and published, we sent a circular to all reporters in September 2024.

The following materials are available as from 2 June 2022:

Updated documentation

Technical material (to be used for this purpose only)

N.B.: these documents are valid for the implementation of the reporting of Production Volume only. Countries can perform test by using the CDR Test platform.

User Manuals

Please refer to the Version Control table of updated documents to find out what has changed since the last version. We will not make any major changes without consulting reporters first. Reporting under the E-PRTR/LCP is defined by CID 2019/1741

Manual for reporters

Methodologies for checking the data submitted (for transparency)

Industry Helpdesk Contact Details

Users should always consult this page and the available guidance and support tools in order to answer any queries which they may have. However, if there is a need to answer a specific question then the EEA has set up an industry helpdesk and reporters should direct all relevant questions to the helpdesk by e-mail. The contact address for the industry helpdesk is

Key dates and workflow

On 27/10/2020 EEA provided to EU Registry and E-PRTR/LCP reporters a letter to clarify key dates in the process of the integrated reporting as a response to the recent discussions in the Expert Group of the E-PRTR Regulation.

The goal is to set some common rules within the reporting cycle aiming at increasing its effectiveness, including how countries and EEA interact in terms of providing quality assurance feedback and resulting corrections from reporters.


Harvesting of data

Once reporters release their envelopes on CDR, the EEA still has to manually "technically accept" the submission. This usually takes place during normal office hours and EEA aims to accomplish this no later than 48 hours after the release of the envelope. Once "technically accepted", the xml in the envelope is then harvested into the E-PRTR and LCP integrated reporting database at EEA. Harvesting should take place within a few hours after the manual acceptance. The harvesting process also triggers the creation of new look-up tables for the QA/QC routines of future years.

Reporters can track the status of their E-PRTR and LCP submissions via this online dashboard.

New supporting tool to verify submissions

Since 2021 an additional KPI tool is available. The tool has the goal to support the evaluation of the Automatic QA/QC ahead of the technical acceptance of the envelope. It present relevant metrics to highlight potential big outlier which can't be reflected into a blocker.

The tool is available at this link

Testing of Draft Submissions

To support users in completing testing in a safe and consistent manner on CDR, the EEA has produced some guidance on how testing should be completed. This guidance is available to download here.

Please note that the EEA investigated the use of an existing 'QA Sandbox' feature which would allow users to upload their files through a stand-alone web interface and run the QA checks without having to create an envelope in CDR. However, some particular technical issues have been encountered with this solution so the EEA recommend that users use the CDR platform to carry out their testing.

E-PRTR and LCP Integrated Reporting - Schema Information

Schema: The latest schema for this data flow is stored centrally in the EIONET data dictionary and can be downloaded here.

UML diagrams: The UML diagrams associated with the schema are stored centrally in the EIONET SVN Repository and can be downloaded here.

Templates and Tools

As outlined in the data model documentation, there are two options for generating an XML file for submission. Reporting countries can generate the required XML file format locally themselves or they can use a Microsoft Access Template which is provided by the EEA. This populated template can then be converted into a compliant XML file using the converter tool provided by the EEA.

Microsoft Access blank template: The blank Microsoft Access E-PRTR and LCP reporting Template is available to download here.

Example populated Access template: An example populated Microsoft Access E-PRTR and LCP reporting Template is available to download here.

Manual for the Access template: The manual for users of the Access template is available to download here. This manual provides guidance to users of the template on how the template should be populated.

Web page for Access to XML conversion service: The webpage for converting populated MS Access templates is available here. This conversion service allows user to convert the populated Access template into an XML file for submission to the E-PRTR and LCP reporting.

Other Materials: Webinars and associated materials

Material from the webinar held on 29 March 2023

Material from the webinar with the reporting Countries: 30 May 2022

Here there are the materials presented during the webinar:

Material from the webinar held on 12 February 2020

Material from the webinar held on 8 November 20219

Some reporters have asked for the code for the QA scripts to be made available to allow reporters to reuse the scripts in their own internal QA checks. The checks are written in xQuery code and are available at: