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Reference portal for reporting under Article 12 of the Birds Directive

This reference portal contains reference documents related to the information provided in the Article 12 report formats of the Birds Directive for the period 2019-2024.


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Deadline for deliveries for the reporting period 2019-2024 is the 31st of July 2025

Format, Explanatory Notes and Guidelines for the period 2019-2024

Reporting format Article 12

Explanatory notes

Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/695 of 27 March 2023

This Decision establishes the format of the report regarding the status and trends of wild bird species referred to in Article 12 of Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and the Council (Birds Directive) (notified under document C(2023) 1889)

Guidelines on concepts and definitions

Reference material for reports

The report format includes several fields with standardised data, which are also mentioned in the Explanatory notes and guidelines. This material is provided below:

Checklists for bird species

List of species with international or multilateral plans

Lists of pressures and threats and of conservation measures

Names of IAS not of Union Concern are stored in EASIN database

Examples of reporting pressures and threats and conservation measures

The spatial grids for the habitats and species distribution


The lists of codes to be used for the structured information in the report formats (reporting tool and xml schemas) are available via EEA Data Dictionaries webpage.

Tools and data specifications

Link to dataflow in Reportnet 3.0 (only for reporters)

Webinar on Reportnet 3.0

Technical Reporting Manual

Technical documents related to reporting datasets

The extended import Excel templates include the reference tables in the last worksheet

Good practice examples

Past reference portals