This reference portal contains reference documents related to the information provided in the Article 17 report formats of the Habitats Directive for the period 2019-2024.
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Reporting format
Explanatory notes
Guidelines on concepts and definitions
The report format includes several fields with standardised data, which are also mentioned in the Explanatory notes and guidelines. This material is provided below:
Checklists for Annex I habitat types and Annex II, IV and V species
Population units for species and examples of converting population units
List of pressures and threats and conservation measures
Names of IAS not of Union Concern are stored in EASIN database
Examples of reporting pressures and threats and conservation measures
Favourable reference values
Technical report and examples of setting the favourable reference values from the Commission's contract 'Defining and applying the concept of Favourable Reference Values' (last updated: 08.02.2023)
Biogeographical and marine regions
The boundaries of the biogeographical regions were prepared at a continental scale. If available, Member States can use their own boundaries digitised at a higher resolution.
The spatial grids for the habitats and species distribution
The marine grids information will be updated and provided soon (last updated 11.06.2024).
Typical species
The lists of codes to be used for the structured information in the report formats (reporting tool and xml schemas) are available via EEA Data Dictionaries webpage.
Range tool
The Range Tool was misbehaving the last couple of months. It is now fixed but Member States are welcome to test it. In case you have used the Tool at this period please check carefuly the results (last updated 25.06.2024).
Webinar on Reportnet 3.0
Technical documents related to reporting datasets. Please note they are still draft
The extended import Excel templates include the reference tables in the last worksheet